Sunday, April 9, 2017

This was bound to be a long week. We were pressed to film within the small time frame of one afternoon. The stress built up and pressure was high. It then all came to near explosion, but as always we rolled with the punches. 
Adri and I planned out our Tuesday pretty precisely. We worked extremely hard before hand to make sure it would all play out well, but at the last minute we had a major set back. We had arranged to finish filming at a friend's house who also offered to act, but he canceled. There was no other day we could film for a variety of reasons so we immediately scrambled. 
We became creative and begged another friend to help as my parents reluctantly agreed to vacate my usually noisy house. With this we rearranged all of my living room furniture and expedited the filming process. We had to cut a lot, but ultimately editing should make everything work. We go it done and that's what matters. 

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