Tuesday, April 5, 2016

   So. We filmed. Am I proud? No. Could we have done better? Yes
   The night was filled with problems before even arriving to where Adri and I filmed. Some related, some not, but they all derailed the evening to a mess that would have to be cleaned in editing. Editing was commonly spoken about throughout filming, but no one actually thought of how editing would go with the material that we were obtaining. In this scenario I am no one because no one other than me had the sense to reshoot certain scenes, record diegetic sound, or mention how we needed more raw material. It was a stressful struggle that we all wanted to end, but I knew that we needed to struggle just a bit longer to get decent material that would make the even worse pain of editing. It would have made everything more worthwhile. But, again, I am no one. There's no need to listen to no one. 
  Clearly I am irate about the whole night aside from personal happenings of the day, but it got even worse when I realized what no one - see, just me again - thought of. We did not film well or enough of the actual faux party setting. Which was meant to be the whole beginning of the actual scene. Upon realizing this I immediately came up with a resolution that was in the works from the moment I turned on the camera. Opening credits. They are my savior while simultaneously the love of my life right now, and I do not care if someone in particular gets jealous. Originally the plan was to display just the opening credits of the production company with the music of the party playing, but now my idea has been substituted to accommodate the inefficient. Alternating the opening credits with actual footage of the scene may be the answer to this issue.
This could allow for more footage to be shown to buy more time, and this could also give quicker cuts for the scene to be more visually interesting. Which was a problem considering no one remembered to film movement technique.  Anyhow, this issue can be not so easily resolved with some more work on my part. 
  Sadly this is not the only issue with the filming. The audio stops before the second to last piece of our opening. This is an issue mostly because there's dialogue. I am not the calmest person so this erupted into many midnight phone calls. Those midnight phone calls led to a solution that I had previously deemed too difficult and unneeded. Now necessary I will have to go through with it despite the major time crunch and large workload. The plan: editing the entire opening and finishing everything, but that scenes audio. After this we rerecord the dialogue and layer all the sound together.   Hopefully it works. Hopefully I come out of this okay.

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